![[object Object]](https://cms.tabakalera.eus/sites/default/files/styles/breakpoint_1920/public/2023-11/20160708_yto_barrada-erakusketa-06.jpg?itok=9I7QREjT)
Part of Exhibition: Yto Barrada
The first solo exhibition in Spain by Yto Barrada, which includes films, photographs, prints and sculptures from her new body of work, as well as selected earlier pieces.
28 Sep 2016
These visits represent a number of experimental visions of the exhibition with the aim of opening it up to new interpretations. The idea is to provoke unexpected encounters in the halls and to people these with a collaboration of artists, scientists, historians, designers, biologists, musicians ... so that they offer their own particular approach to each exhibition.
On this occasion we will take a look at the exhibition in the company of José Luis Tirado, independent artist and producer.