She is a multidisciplinary artist with a background that extends from personal offerings with diverse mediums (drawing, video, installations) to procedural mechanisms and action direction practices with communities, activists, performers, dancers, etc.
She uses her own diverse methodologies such as the psycho-geographic, emotional, bio-topographic, and experimental ethnographic methodology to put life and other subjects on stage.
She completed her fine arts artistic training in different cities: Valencia (Faculty of Fine Arts) and Paris (ENSBA), and stage design in Buenos Aires (UBA - La Plata). In 2017, she completed her Doctorate on forms of putting in practice in the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Polytechnic University of Valencia.
Various residencies and grants in different countries (Colin le Franc grant in Brazil, residency-grant with Capacete Río de Janeiro, DKV grant from the UPV to Poland, etc.) have encouraged her traveling, process-based projects such as Sociedad de visita (Paris, Cité des arts), Agencia Puro Souvenir[MI1] (Paris, Havana, and Valencia, Tijuana, Name gallery), Prêt a Précaire (from 2003 to 2004 in Paris and Río de Janeiro), Paris 2003.
Her latest projects on action production mechanisms such as the one in 2018, Elogio de la Procrastinación in Valencia's Centre for Contemporary Culture, or Acciones Extraordinarias in Imagina Madrid - Matadero, and the action programme for the Tem, Teatro del Musical in El Cabañal, with a project called Territorios compartibles. Life on stage.